
Biscotti originated from the Latin word biscoctus, meaning “twice-cooked/baked”. Its origins date back to Roman times when certain foods needed to be completely dried so that they could be stored for long periods of time.

Today, biscotti are made using many different ingredients. Almonds, pistachios, raisins, cranberries, and lemon & orange zest make for great flavors in this cookie. Best of all… this cookie is so easy to make.

Around here, it’s the sweet snack that I look for after our evening meal.Chickens2 056


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1/3 cup butter (room temp.)

2/3 cup sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 cups All Purpose Flour

Zest of 1 orange

1 cup raisins


Beat 1/3 cup of room temperature butter for 30 seconds.Chickens2 035

Combine sugar, baking powder & salt with the butter.

Beat in 2 eggs and vanilla extract.Chickens2 038

Stir in flour, 1/3 at a time until completely mixed.Chickens2 042

Add zest, raisins & form into a ball.Chickens2 040Chickens2 043

Divide dough in half on lightly floured surface and flatten down into shape.Chickens2 045Chickens2 049

Transfer on to cookie sheet and bake for 22 minutes at 375 F. or until golden brown.Chickens2 051

Cool on rack for 20 minutes and then cut into pieces using a cerate knife.Chickens2 055

Transfer back on to the cookie sheet and bake at 325 F for another 8 minutes/ side.Chickens2 056

* Substitute anise for vanilla, lemon for orange, cranberries for raisins or add 1 cup of chopped nuts to make your own biscotti.

8 thoughts on “Biscotti

  1. I used to love biscotti! Then I had to go gluten free. I have seen a all purpose flour mix that is for folks like me, I should see how it does with a biscotti recipe. They look delicious!

    Thanks for linking up to The Creative HomeAcre Blog Hop!

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