The Dreaded EGG SONG Has Arrived!

006That damn hen is going to blow our cover.  I don’t know what the heck is going on lately but Swiffer has started to do the EGG SONG.  This morning, the “song” (it’s kinda like a cross between a goose in distress and a car alarm going off in your driveway) began at 5:38!  Why now??????? After 7 months of laying like a champ, why the hell are you now making all this racket?  You DO remember that you and the other 2 hens are illegal?????  Did you forget that only our IMMEDIATE neighbors know that you 3 chickens live in our backyard????????? Are you aware that your so-called “song” can be heard way down the street past those IMMEDIATE neighbors???? Why must you have such a big mouth??????

OK….lay on the couch and tell me what’s really troubling you.  Does it have something to do with my post on Rosie from a few weeks ago?  You’re right….she was in the spotlight that week and we did get some good “views” for that post, but you didn’t hear Honda kickin’ up a fuss.  Besides…….her eggs are enormous and she deserved a little “shout out” for her daily accomplishment.  By the way… are still laying the SMALLEST EGG!!!!

Guess who's on the right????

Guess who’s on the right????

Ya know….Maybe the soup pot is not a bad idea.   Now that I think about it, you were the one who bullied Rosie for a month when she first came to City Boy  Hens last November.   You were also the one who taught her  NOT to lay her egg in the nest box, but right beside yours on the floor of the coop.  You were also the one who took 7 long months and 13 days to lay your first egg, which by the way, was 3 months behind Honda’s initial offering.

So…….What’s it gonna’ be Swiffer?  You want the By-law Officer to write me  up?   Just to let you know….it’s not me that will be going???  IT WILL BE YOU and the two quiet hens!

So maybe…86 the song.  There’s no need for this racket.  OK…..You win….I’ve written a post about you.  But….don’t come crying back to me if we don’t get as many views for this post as we did for the one with Rosie.  People aren’t generally impressed with such negative behavior……. So…In the mean time ………SHUT IT!003

19 thoughts on “The Dreaded EGG SONG Has Arrived!

  1. Well you knew it had to be too good to be true – a girl can’t stay silent forever when pushing out her eggs. In my neighbourhood when the hens are laying it is accompanied by a dog that howls along with the tune!

  2. We had one going off this morning as well. they must sense the fine weather.
    She is fine once we let her out of the coop.

  3. Haha! Too funny. Not having chickens myself (someday), I’m actually a bit jealous! Good luck with keeping her incognito!

  4. This gave me a good laugh! We went through the same thing when we had our chickens in the city. They were illegal, so everytime we heard the egg song we’d freak out and run outside to shut them up! Now we live on 20 wooded acres and I love hearing them sing 🙂

    Visiting from the From The Farm blog hop!

  5. I can’t wait to hear my girls singing that song…but we live in a very rural area so it will just blend in with the other hens in the community. Have you thought about a nest box with sound-proof walls? Joking of course. I hope she doesn’t get you all busted, you look pretty happy together.

    • Hi BCL,
      Thanks for dropping by. I, too, hope that we do not get busted. It’s kinda’ sad to say but “our fate” is in the “hands” of Swiffer. Thanks for following my blog!

  6. Love it! Our flock was mostly quiet with a short, melodious egg song from each proper lady. Then I added three Black Copper Marans and all hell broke loose. Now it sounds like some girl thrasher band out there in the morning!

    Hope you don’t get called out for the sounds of Swiffer! (Found you at Creative HomeAcre)

  7. Lmao! Sorry about the new noise, but this post cracked me up!

    Our hens are horribly noisy, but we live in the middle of nowhere and can get away with it. We gave 5 hens to a friend for her first coop, and she was shocked that they were actually noisy. She thought that chickens were silent. 🙂

    Hope your singer learns to shut her trap!

  8. Love comments ours sing after each egg 4 different we have a tenor a soprano and and are hoping for a baritone to start laying!

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